Thursday, April 16, 2009

Kanye West: Dope?

In a recent episode of South Park, rapper/shoe-designer Kanye West found himself the target of the show's typical coarse, amusing satire. In the episode, West becomes the only person in the world who cannot understand the globe's new "funniest joke ever," authored by two middle school-aged characters on the show. The joke -- which, as it contains adult themes, I will not recreate here -- involves a pun or play on words that leads to the jokee finding himself (as the joke exclusively targets males) light-heartedly insulted.

South Park finds West, famous for his egocentric tantrums at awards shows, fashion events, and shoe release parties, unable to endure the ribbing inherent in the joke's punchline. The episode tracks his efforts to rebuff his supposed accusors, with the self-proclaimed genius seeking to protect his good name. Ultimately, he accepts the joke (without ever understanding it), and goes to live underwater with lots of fish (you should probably just watch it).

As a fan of Mr. West, I follow his temper tantrums with delight. I found the South Park episode quite amusing, though I do fear for his feelings (which, in a blog entry, he claimed were "hurt;" he also vowed to become a "doper person" in light of the cartoon's "murdering" of his ego). I do think, though, that the episode's voice acting could've been better. Why not have his character actually sound like Kanye West? The auto-tune in the show's final musical number did help, but I often had trouble suspending my disbelief, when not focusing on the animated Kanye's admittedly well-drawn and stylish outfits.

1 comment:

  1. Totally! Kanye is still dope and all, but south park made me realize that hes not the dope genius voice of a generation that he told me he was. Im glad he's going to change his ways...hes going to become SO DOPE!
