Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jo-Bros. on So. Pa?


Recently, Teen-Pop sensations, the Jonas Brothers were depicted on Comedy Central's animated hit-show South Park. The topic: Does Disney sell sex to tweens? (A tween, for those of you who don't know who Miley Cyrus is, or those of you who owned a Tamagachi instead of a Nintendo DS... is someone between childhood and adulthood ...say the 12-15 age range).
Among those JO-Bros tactics mocked on the show were the popularity of purity rings for young children who clearly shouldn't be sexually active anyway (shouldnt parents , not sterling silver , be keeping 12 year olds from sex...?), recent sexually suggestive on-stage antics of the purported chase young rockers (shooting foam from large hoses into an audience of young girls) and the subtext of Disney marketing "heart-throbs" to children. Does the presence of a "purity" ring on one's finger act as a free pass to market sex to kids? Mickey Mouse thinks so!

1 comment:

  1. It's great that the show ended up tackling the Disney corporation instead of the ostensible target (the JoBro's dubious sexuality). Per usual, the show's audience's expectations were subverted -- and hilariously!!
